Neck Pain

Neck pain is a common issue that affects millions of people worldwide. It can range from a mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain. Addressing the discomfort promptly and effectively is crucial for preventing further complications and improving your overall health. Prior to visiting First Choice Integrated Health Care in Knoxville, TN, continue reading to learn about some causes and symptoms of neck pain!


Causes of Neck Pain

Several factors contribute to neck pain, such as poor posture or herniated discs. Some other causes of neck pain include:

  • Whiplash
  • Pinched nerves
  • Muscle strains and sprains
  • Arthritis
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Heavy lifting

Recognizing the Symptoms

Symptoms of neck pain vary but commonly include stiffness, soreness, and difficulty moving the neck. Some individuals may experience headaches, muscle spasms, and pain radiating to the shoulders or arms. In severe cases, there might be numbness or tingling in the arms, indicating nerve involvement. Recognizing these symptoms early can help in seeking appropriate treatment.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Chiropractic care is an effective treatment option for neck pain. We may utilize chiropractic adjustments and soft tissue therapy to reduce your pain and improve your mobility. Treatment focuses on the root cause of the discomfort rather than just addressing the symptoms to provide lasting relief. Not only that, our treatments are also safe and non-invasive, which means medications and surgery are not needed to help you heal.

What to Expect During Your First Appointment

During your first appointment, our chiropractor will review your medical history and discuss your symptoms with you. We’ll also perform a physical exam, which assesses your posture, range of motion, and any areas of tenderness or misalignment. Based on the findings, we will develop a personalized treatment plan to help you recover fully.

Contact First Choice Integrated Healthcare for Treatment Today!

If you need neck pain treatment, let our team at First Choice Integrated Health Care in Knoxville, TN, help. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal health and wellness. Call us at (865) 577-1213 today to schedule a consultation and start your journey toward a pain-free life. When you’re seeking a chiropractor near you, we are ready to assist!

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